Tuesday, March 25, 2008

St. Paddy's and Easter Catch up

It totally threw me off this year to have St. Patrick's Day and Easter back to back. I was curious, who decides that any ways? This might be something everyone knows, but I don't. Who decides when the holidays are? Help me out on this would you?
Get ready, this post is a long one!
Sorry that the picture is the wrong way. I bet everyone else had a lovely green meal on the 17th too. It was a lot of fun for us since this year Ty knows his colors and he caught on to the idea. Now everytime I put anything in a green cup he says, "Happy Patrick's Day Mom!" We took a big green basket to Kev at work, which was a lot of fun, and we were all very festive in our choice, or better said, my choice, of clothes. And my dad can just deal with it. He told me the only thing he was going to do on that day was avoid all green. He's such a party pooper. I cooked dinner for them that night and they got a wonderfully green spread as well, so I forced him to have be a little green.Ty had way too many egg hunts this year. This was the ward one, with eggs everywhere! When they first said go, Ty took off and then his little friend was right behind him. Ty thought Mason was chasing him, so he kept running. He didn't stop for anything, not eggs and not candy. Finally we got his attention and told him to stop and grab some eggs, and then we couldn't get him to stop. He loved it.
Even Jordan got in on some of the action.

Next we went to Grandma and Grandpa Shaw's neighborhood hunt. This is what the boys did while they waited for the eggs to be hidden. For Jordo, this may have been the highlight of the day.
The boys enjoying their loot!
Last stop on Saturday was Grandma and Granpa Naylors. GG Naylor to Ty and Jordo (Great-Grandparents). These are Kev's mom's parents and they do a candy extravaganza every year in their back yard. Little Easter candy's everywhere and all the kids collect all they can.

Easter morning Ty had golf clubs waiting for him. For those of you that have seen him golf, he does pretty good for a two year old and his last set broke. We were waiting for the summer stuff to come out so we could get him some more. When he saw the stuff on the couch he stopped and said, "What is it Mom?" He's such a funny kid.
Jordo got a couple of balls so he can keep up with his brother. Ty was trying to sneak in on that too.

Hopefully everyone's Easter was as great as ours, even though it was a bit early this year.


ty and megs said...

how fun! it is so cute hearing about and seeing pics of your cute boys playing together. mckinlay needs a sibling!! :)

happy easter! love you!

Rach, Mike, Allie and Hadley said...

I actually learned this year why Easter changes every year. I learned it in Sacrament Meeting believe it or not. It has to do with the Nicean (don't know spelling) council and they decided that Easter would be the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon (PFM) date for the year, which is around the spring equinox. So, in effect they decided to relate Easter with the Moon cycle. I love the pictures of the boys and easter! I wish I could have played with them!

Kara said...

So cute! Is Jordan walking? He looks like he was making his way around with the egg hunts! I love that Ty thought his buddy was chasing him, that made me smile!

emily said...

How fun. I love to hear about all the fun things that your boys are doing. They are so stinkin cute. I kid you not I have never seen a little boy that looks more like a Shaw then that little Jordo. He kills me with his smile.

Oh, side note to Rachel, it will be another 220 years before Easter is ever this early again.

Melissa said...

You are so good- I completely spaced the whole green food thing. Looks like you had a great Easter!! Your boys are getting so big.

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures. I can't wait until Sienna is old enough to really care for egg hunts, etc.

Because Sienna's birthday was right before Easter this year I was really curious too about how it is chosen. I have a really neat email about it explaining how it is the first Sunday after the first full moon equinox. That part isn't that interesting to me but it went on to say that it is the earliest it has been in years and won't be this early again for hundreds to thousands of years. I wish Sienna was older because I would have done an Easter themed b-day party for her. Anyway, sorry that was so long. I can send the email to you if you want.

Your boys are adorable as always.


McGuire's said...

Aubrey! We need to get together!!! do you have a double stroller? Your boys are getting so big and are so cute. and i think are looking kind of alike? do you think so? and good job on the big boy bed. Macie is still in her crib. I just can't do the switch because then she won't be my baby anymore! life is going by too fast!

Anonymous said...

I think you'd have fun making a cake for Jordan. Character cakes really aren't that hard, just time consuming. If you do make him something, send me a picture or put it on your blog for sure.
