Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hello, Mr. Potato Head

Kids have a tendency to get sick of their toys very quickly. So the ones they are bored of get stuck in the bottom of the toy box and forgotten. And then one day, they are found again and it is like a brand new toy! This is what happened with Mr. Potato Head. But he was more than a toy, it was like he had found a long lost friend.
He played with him and almost nothing else. He became very protective when Jordo would come too close and we even had a few tears when Jordo got a hold of one of his arms, Ty was very worried. (Yes, Ty is wearing Potato Head's glasses- it was like he could see what he was he was doing better.)

Ty showing off his newest accessory.

Lately, Ty has needed animals on his drawers while he naps and sleeps at night. They are almost a comfort to him. He is very particular about how they are positioned and chooses specific ones for the day. When Potato Head was brought back to life, he got the honorary spot, giving the animals the boot. At least for a few days. That's saying a lot about the affection Ty has for a toy.
I wonder which toy will be lost and found again another day.


Cal and Whit said...

What a funny little boy! I am glad that he now has his Mr. Potato head back! I love the glasses! So cute!

Melissa said...

That is so funny!! I think I might just box up some of Halle's toys since she only likes to play with her dolls. I hope she finds the rest of her toys interesting one day like Ty does.

Nicole said...

The picture with ty and Mr Potato glasses is so cute. He looks like a little man! Placing Mr. Potato higher on the food chain than stuffed animals is a big step in into the big boy world!