Friday, February 8, 2008

New Things Everyday!

My boys are at such fun ages. Ty learns to be more independent and Jordan discovers something new every day. I love watching them as their little minds are working and figuring out life.

Jordo is learning to stand alone! I left the other night to have a night out with some friends and Kev got the boys. He walked in the bedroom to find Jordo standing there, all alone. He pulled himself up, let go and stood there and all by himself! (Of course he did it while I was gone.) We are one step closer to walking, which isn't necessarily a good thing, but still fun.
Ty's latest discovery is the kitchen sink. He asks twenty times a day if he can 'play in the water'. He pushes a chair up, I plug one sink and fill it with some water, and then he uses whatever he can find to dump and fill and make all sorts of things. One thing he does make is a MESS. He is usually soaked and my counter and sometimes the floor are plenty wet too. In search of a solution, I found this apron from when I was at hair school, which is plastic, so it keeps him dry. And the more he does it the better he gets at keeping the water in the sink, plus, it entertains forever! So it has been a good thing for both of us. Maybe soon he'll understand rinsing and washing dishes.


Cara said...

I love it when they can self entertain! Even if it means cleaning up a mess after. They are to cute!

Dave and Ashley Gay said...

I love Ty in his little apron. You should upload the images bigger so we can click on them and see them better.

emily said...

I love this stage also. Now my kids are old enough to do the dishes and I tell them when they complain, "of course you have to do the dishes, why do you think I had you." It happens to be a Shaw classic.