Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Christmas in September!

My dad has been using a basically dead grill for much longer than he should have. He wouldn't buy himself a new one, he would just quote his good friend Jeff Foxworthy, "We just can't have nice things." So his kids decided that a new grill would be the best choice for his Christmas present this year. Well, after everyone's plans got decided, it turns out that none of my siblings, that are out of town, will be here for Christmas this year. Which is sad, but good to have everyone miss the same year. Shortly after that was decided, my dad's grill all but died. He didn't even really like grilling on it. So we took advantage of the Labor Day sales and gave him an early Christmas. Since no one would be here to miss it in December, what difference would it make to miss it in September.

Here's the grill (sorry about the lighting). Before my dad came in the room to see it we told him to close his eyes. He gave us all this attitude about why was he getting a gift now, there wasn't any reason for it. Those of you who know my dad, can see him doing this I'm sure. Then when Ty told him "Merry Missmiss", he was really curious. He closed his eyes and we turned the Christmas music on and set tried to imitate the holidays.

If you enlarge the picture, you can see his face and the look of annoyance. That's Dad for you. He sees something someone does for him and he wants to know why anyone would go to the trouble. Well Dad, you deserve it, so get over it.

Merry Christmas Dad. Now we all expect nothing less than perfection in our steaks and burgers!


ty and megs said...

gotta love your dad! it's fun to see a picture of him! what a great surprise...even if you did make him close his eyes to get it. :)


Thanks Aubs for posting pictures. I can just see dad and hear dad and I know exactly what he is doing. He does the same things every time he gets a present. I am glad that he was happy to get it. You can see the joy in his face. I am glad that we did it!!!

Karin said...

I bet your dad is thrilled. That is a great present.

I love the "cannon" family picture. cute!


Cal and Whit said...

Hooray! MERRY CHRISTMAS Brother Gay! HOORAY! Happy grilling to your Pops Aubs! Cute pics!

Cal and Whit said...

ps Cute new blog look!

Malerie said...

how fun. I could do christmas now too. I am actually way excited for the holidays this year. Remember how crazy Shalana was around this time? It makes me want to be a little more holidayish! Ha!

Hey I like the new blog look!