Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fathers and Sons Freezeout (posted by Kevin)

This past weekend, Ty and I went on the Fathers and Sons Camp out just above Hope campground (for those who don't know where that is, it is right next to Squaw Peak. We've all been there before one way or another right?...sinners). We have been trying to get Ty prepared for this all week long. I had to take a test before we left. When I finished taking it, I called home and Ty answered asking me if I wanted to go up the mountain with him and throw rocks and jump in the mud. How could I say no? I've always wanted to jump in the mud with my son. It's bonding at its best. I quickly changed into camping clothes with Ty knocking on the bedroom door the whole time telling me to hurry. We finally left in my in-laws Expedition and made it up there.
(Sorry about side-ways picture)
As soon as we got there, we got things unpacked and made our way to the fire. The first thing Ty did was grab a handful of dirt and throw it in the fire. That is where we had our father-to-son talk about what we can and can't throw in the fire. Once he found out that he could throw sticks in the fire, that's all he did for the next hour. Boys have this natural obsession with fire and my son is no exception (bless his heart). He quickly became friends with the other little boys and ran around the campground the entire time. I tried to let him go on his own as much as possible, and it was fun watching him interact with others.
When it got a bit later, we pulled out the marshmallows and tried to cook them. I put one on Ty's roaster stick and he rubbed it back and forth on the firewood. I think he was going for the organic flavor. We decided to try again with my help and once it was ready to eat, he didn't like it. He is a visual eater and didn't liked what he saw. He is used to white marshmallows and he was now seeing black and brown ones. I tried to tell him not to be racist against black ones, but he insisted on only eating white ones. So I roasted my own while he just ate uncooked ones. Once it got dark, he saw the other kids with flashlights and he wanted his own. So I got ours out and he with the rest of the kids went on a "bear hunt." Ty had no idea what was going on, but he ran around with the others looking in the wilderness for bears. Once that was over, Ty came and sat on my lap and kept looking at the garbage bag hanging from the tree. He finally said, "Dad what is that? Is it a monkey?" I guess if you had no idea what it was, a black something hanging from a tree can look like a monkey. I think the bear hunt was getting to him. Then he kept looking around to make sure no animal was going to jump out at us.At about 10:45, he told me that he was tired. We got in the tent and he was almost giddy when getting in his sleeping bag which was a blessing. He snuggled right up and fell dead asleep. It was a chilly night, so I gave him all of the extra blankets. He slept like a rock! I, on the other hand, got a grand total of 2 and a half hours. I was so uncomfortable and it was freezing! I lost feeling of my toes at around 2:30 and when things couldn't get worse, it started to rain. It never stopped raining, and when morning finally came around, I was an ice cube. I opened the tent door to find it snowing! The fire was out and everything was soaking wet. I just grabbed everything and threw it in the car and we drove home. We were home by 7:15am.
(If you can't tell, that is snow and a VERY wet campground)
This was our first time to such a camp out and even though I've never been so miserable and cold before, I would do it all over again because Ty had the time of his life! He has memories to hopefully last until the next year (or at least he better!) when we do this all over again, but with the Jordan tagging along too! I'll also fast and pray for warmth the Fast Sunday before we go.



Kevin you are hilarious. I think that that is something that all dads want to do with their boys is go camping. Ty looked like he was definitely enjoying himself. My boys are jealous.

Rach, Mike, Allie and Hadley said...

Keeping on the Shaw tradition of ALWAYS raining for any ward camp out! It was quite a hilarious read- you should buy Ty some colored marshmallows to help him not be racist :). Funny!

Cal and Whit said...

That was so fun to read Kev. I loved it! Good for you, and I hope you have thawed (is that how you spell that???) out a bit since then. I love that Ty, and what a fun thing to do with your Dad. I love the stories of the banging on the bedroom door, the freezing cold toes, the burnt marshmellows, and the monkey in the tree. What a fun day with his Dad. So fun!

Kara said...

That is so cute! I love the play by play action...a little adventure...a little comedy, sounds like it will be a great memory!

Matt, Karin, Sienna, Sadie & Tanner said...

What a trooper you are Kevin. Ty is so cute and I bet he'll remember this for a long time!!

Oh, Ty's tag was super cute too.


Cara said...

Oh just think of the memories......