Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hooray for Construction!

I know many of you are wondering what this is all about. Most of us, me included, are sick of avoiding all of the construction that seems to be never ending. Especially in Orem, it seems we take 3 to 4 detours just to get to somewhere that should be five minutes away. It is getting out of control. Shouldn't they combine all their forces and finish one project at a time and then move on to the next?

Well, my street happens to be one of those projects and we were blocked in for a time. Not a big deal, we were home cleaning and didn't have plans to go anywhere. But Jordo was having one of those days! He is my drama kid and seems to always need me, attention, or food. And it never seems to be enough. I love him dearly, but the whining gets a little old. That's how our day was. I was trying to clean, he was hanging on my leg or crying or climbing onto things, falling and then crying. After I had about had it they started construction on my street and I have never been more grateful for those men in orange vests and their noisy machinery.

But after this, all I had to say was, "Where are the tractors?", and Jordo was at our window glued to the 'tractors' (I know they all have names, but to Jordo, they are all tractors) working on our street. Sometimes he would lose interest or remember he was supposed to be whining and he would come find me. I would ask him where the tractors went and he was off again to find them. I hope you don't consider this neglectful parenting. I just really treasure those times when the boys can entertain themselves, and today it was all due to construction.My boys are all boy. They love balls, dirt, rocks and big tractors and trucks, and today it was a really good thing.

Here are some cute pictures of the boys at the Orem Summerfest Parade, somehow I forgot about these when I thought I had nothing else to post about.

I love Ty's enthusiasm for everything! Kev's mom says that's how he was growing up, and who are we kidding, still is, and so far Ty seems to be just like his dad. He is so fun to do things with. Jordan was only interested in the loud things and those were usually too loud, and the dogs barking at the house we were by. If you ask him what a dog says, he sticks his tongue out and pants, it's pretty cute. He pretty much spent his time getting wet and dirty. Definitely a boy!


Mike and Andrea said...

I am with you! Whenever they entertain themselves it is sweet peace....and it doesnt happen enough!

Karli said...

Cute boys Aubrey and Kevin! I know what it's like having boys that are 'all boy'. I have three of them! Well, I'm not sure about the third yet but if he's anything like his brothers..... Well...... We might be in trouble! Come check out my blog sometime. It'll be fun to keep in touch! annakarli.com

Cal and Whit said...

Hooray for Construction. I did not think I would really ever say that, but HOORAY! I am glad that Jordo likes the big tractors. I love the pics of your boys. They look so darling and are getting so big. Cute!

Kara said...

Funny the things that save us in the day, huh? I always am grateful for garbage day at our house! Ty is so adorable with his excitement...I smile looking at the pictures, I bet you guys are have perma-grins when you take him places!

JaMilLyN said...

Aubrey, you crack me up! Your boys are so cute. It's so funny the things that interest them but it's also great that they, most of the time, are small things.

JaMilLyN said...

Wow, I hope you got all that. I just read through it and didn't understand it myself so good luck with that.

Matt, Karin, Sienna, Sadie & Tanner said...

9lbs 2 oz? I don't think I could have handled that. I was thinking the same thing about being a more content and better eating baby though- I hope that is the case.

I love the summerfest. Your boys are so cute and getting so big. I'm also glad there is some good that comes from waiting for constuction to be over. We have a lot out here too right now.


Cara said...

Such adorable boys Aubs!