Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Family Reunion Time!

My siblings all got together this past weekend and had our family reunion. It was great to have everyone there from Idaho, St. George and Virginia. We had a great, chaotic time. Whenever my family gets together, it's always crazy. Usually fun, but never short on craziness.
Saturday we spent the day at Deer Creek. My parents rented a couple of wave runners and we found a decent 'beach' spot and soaked up the sun. Here are some pictures of our day...
Ty couldn't wait to ride on the "boat".
The boys loved the sand, the water and getting dirty! I was amazed at how long they stayed entertained playing on the beach.
Jordo couldn't believe he was actually allowed to be getting so dirty, and he took full advantage. We all agreed the kids ate way too much sand that day, but what can you do?!

Ty loves to throw rocks in the water. Every morning on our run we have to stop at the canal and throw a few rocks in. The beach was no exception, except there were a few to many close calls with so many people around. So he kept wandering off to his own spot where he could throw rocks without endangering his cousins.
We tried all day to get a picture of all five grandsons playing together, but as soon as someone would take the picture, one of them had walked off. So we set them up for a try. Here are a few of our tries:

Not so great, but still five cute boys. Can we get a girl you ask? Pam is having another boy in a few months and Jim and Cassie are actually having a girl in November! It is fun to see the family growing and having cousins around for Ty and Jordo.


Cara said...

Those are great pictures. Looks like a fun time.


Some of those pictures of the boys actually turned out. I didn't think that they would. My boys had so much playing with your boys they were so sad to leave.

Cal and Whit said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! Those last few pics with all the boys are darling! What fun to have cousins, and all around the same age! Congrats to Jim and Cassie on the Girl. She will put a bit of pink in all the blue!

Kara said...

I think the boys' pictures are awesome! Usually the un-posed candid shots are my favorite! Looks like tons of fun, you can never be bored with 5 wild boys running around!

Matt, Karin, Sienna, Sadie & Tanner said...

Those pictures of all the boys are priceless. They are just adorable. That is a lot of boys but I wouldn't complain- you guys make some pretty cute boys!

I'll make you a deal- you guys have a girl next and I'll have a boy. :)


ferkyfam said...

They are all so adorable! BOYS! How fun! Just wait until they are all teenagers together... Enjoy the cuteness while it lasts! Ha Ha