Sunday, December 19, 2010

Seven Blissful Years

On the 17th, Kev and I celebrated seven wonderful years of marraige. He planned a get-away to Las Vegas and it was just the break we needed. My sister and brother-in-law were saints and took our three kids for a few days so we could enjoy our vacation with no worries. When we called to talked to the boys, they would say hi and quickly pass the phone on, not missing us at all. They had a blast with their cousins for a few days, Brookie did great and we loved the time without them, though we love them dearly!

For my birthday, which is a month earlier, Kev surprised me with tickets to Blue Man Group while we were there. It was amazing and much better than we both expected. We highly recommend it to anyone that gets a chance to see it.
This one was for the kids, but who doesn't love a picture with an M&M?
We picked and chose what there was to see on the strip and of course hit Bellagio.
This is a chocolate fountain! I had to borrow batteries from another tourist to get this picture, but it was worth it.

The Bellagio turned their flower garden into a Christmas scene and it was beautiful. This polar bear is made completely out of flowers.

We wouldn't of missed watching the fountains.
Our kind passer-by photographer missed a better opportunity for a photo, but that's alright.
The Bellagio fountains are a must see when down in Vegas.
We had so much fun and looking forward to many more anniversaries. I am so much happier than I ever could of imagined and it just gets better every day. I don't know how I got so lucky to marry and spend eternity with someone as patient and selfless as my stunning husband, but I do know I am blessed and am grateful everyday for our eternal marriage.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fall Became Winter

Fall and winter are fun times for kids. The weather, the holidays, the cozy PJs. Good times! Here's some of our cold weather fun.

Cute kids in cute PJs. Also Brooke's moment to shine. She naps during a lot of the fun and so she doesn't appear much in the pics. But we love you lots Brookie!

Cold weather brings basketball!
We are lucky to have parents and grandparents that share their tickets. The boys love the hype, the cougar and the popcorn. With the crazy atmosphere, I don't think Brooke blinked once.

Raking's a pain, but piles of leaves are nothing but fun.
Jordo's style is frog style.

Ty gives it his all, just like he does with everything.

Not much to say, just makes me smile.
If Brookie was in it, this would be a Christmas card.

Then on to snow. Too soon in my opinion, but not soon enough for the boys.
Here's a little story about my boys and how different they are.
Here is Ty. Starting the perfect snow ball, being ever so careful.
Even after the snowmen have been built, Ty is holding onto and protecting his snowball.

Yes, he did ask for his picture with it.

Now Jordo.
Here's his snowman.

Then for kicks, he started having a snowball fight with it.
Any guesses on who won?

And as if the balls weren't enough, he finished Frosty off with a good beating. He was quite proud that he came out on top.

I love my kids and love that they are so unique. It makes life exciting.