Thursday, February 28, 2008

More to come...

I know, I know, it has been quite some time since a new post. But I have an excuse! My calling in our ward for those of you that don't know, is Scout and Cub Committee Chairman. Most of you probably don't have any idea what that calling involves and neither did I, until I started doing it. It has been a good though. I have learned a lot and when it comes time for my boys to be in scouts, I might be of some good. But with the Cubs, we just had our annual Blue and Gold Banquet. Sorry, no pictures. I thought about it, but then once I got there and we were having electrical problems, someone was stuck at Costco with half our program and part of dinner, somehow taking a picture slipped my mind. But it is over! It went well and that has basically absorbed all my free time for the last few weeks.
So until the next, hopefully more exciting post, this will have to do. I will try to spice up our lives a little so we have fun things to post about. Hurray for spring!


Cara said...

This entry makes me NOT miss my scout calling. You are amazing! The boys in your ward are lucky to have you in charge.

Melissa said...

You are too good- I think I might have to change wards if I ever got called into scouts. Scouts are definitely not my thing, but who really wants that calling anyways!! Way to go Aubs.

Anonymous said...

You sound busy! I was in scouts for about a year and it was definitely my least favorite calling. Good luck with that.

emily said...

Oh, I have done that. I feel for you. You are here by forgiven. We miss you thoug.

emily said...

I meant to say, we miss you THOUGH, I forgot the H

Cal and Whit said...

Hooray for More to come, I was a little late in the looking, so the "more" was already here...hooray for all that fun scouting to be done...for a minute! Nice job!