Monday, November 26, 2007

The Annual Lighting Ceremony

Every year, the first Monday after Thanksgiving, Kev's parents host a "Lighting Ceremony" in their neighborhood. This has been going on for quite some time now and all the neighbors know that their Christmas lights need to be up by 7:30 that Monday night. After everyone has gathered and the hot chocolate and treats are ready, Kev's dad gives the signal. He lights a couple Whistling Pete's and everyone plugs their lights in. Then you chat and snack and it kicks the season off right. Here are a few pictures of the event.(We haven't figured out the art of flipping pictures yet- sorry) Here is Ty, I think he was headed to try to sneak a mallow meant for the hot chocolate. Do you remember in The Christmas Story when Ralphie's little brother is over bundled and can't put his arms down? Ty does.
Treats, anyone?

The only way Ty would cooperate was with hot chocolate in hand. I think Jordo was warm enough!
Merry Christmas! We hope everyone enjoys this holiday season.


ty and megs said...

what a fun tradition!

Cal and Whit said...

That is a fun tradition! Your boys look so darling all bundled up! I am also loving the pics of them on the side bar! That one of Ty with his butterfly bandaid is so sad! When we saw him it did not look that swollen, but in that pic, it looks a bit swollen. Poor little guy!